Who We Are
Here at IGIT,
We are always focused on developing each individual in our company. Whether they’ve been with us for a few days, few months, or few years. From sales training, to leadership opportunities, all the way to branch management responsibilities. The way we grow as a company is by growing the individual.
On a daily basis we are here to help educate our team and clients. We believe in not only gathering and learning new information but most importantly we believe in the application of that new found knowledge. Information and learning comes in many different forms. From stations, to meetings, team building exercises, travel, client & consumer conversations, and much more.
IGIT has a strong focus on the empowerment of others. Whether someone is entry level and just getting their foot in the sales and marketing door, upper management, or anywhere in between. Our sole focus is to grow long term with the right people. We view our team members as future business partners and not just another employee. We understand the law of compound and how valuable people can become by just focusing on becoming 1% better each day.
Lastly we are always here to celebrate the accomplishments and victory’s of our team. Daily and weekly recognition is something that so many other companies fall short on. We maintain a strong focus on always giving the recognition to those that deserve it. Something as simple as always coming in early or staying late, setting a new personal or office record, achieving that well deserved promotion, or even just maintaining a positive attitude and uplifting those around us. We know how much the little things matter and strive to always maintain a space that celebrates those around us and ourselves.
If you read all that, you are the MVP - 100%